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Archive for August, 2009

How to Change a Powerless Life into a Powerful life?

Posted by ruckerharris on August 1, 2009

Do you find yourself unhappy, mad, fearful and just plan depressed? I have had times in my life were I would just cry at the drop of a hat. I realized that I had to check my internal dialogue and look at what I was hearing around me.

Words are so small but they are powerful when it comes to having a powerful life. If you would like to change these dreadful unwanted feelings, there are 3 ways in which you can change these terrible emotions.

The fist way to change a powerless life into a powerful life is to look at what you are saying. What you are saying about yourself will determine how you think about yourself. Do you just murmur and complain about what is bad in your life or do you praise what is good in your life? Telling yourself how great you are and how amazing you are can create power in your life. Saying positive words will build a good positive self esteem.

The second way to change a powerless life into a powerful life is to look at what you are saying to others. When you talk to people; are you trying to criticize and judge them on what that do and how they do it or are you trying to give them words of encouragement? If you say positive words about people, you will recieve positive words back from others and these positive words build your self confidence in yourself.

The Third way to change a powerless life into a powerful life is thought changing what you hear. If you notice that your friends and family members are saying negative things about you or about anything. If you have friends and family members that constantly criticize what you do and nothing you do is right to them, you have to limit your time around them because those negative words can render you powerless.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to evaluate your words if you feel powerless. If the words that you are hearing and saying are negative, change them to words of praise and Positivity. Don’t delay get started and change to a powerful life today.

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